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RELATIONSHIP TIPS: 10 Tips to cope with a first date

Dating can be stressful. Dates are even more stressful, but the stress and anxiety from first dates are usually off the charts. First dates, no matter how many you been to, will always make you nervous. One of the reasons is because it serves as a gateway to a supposedly new and exciting relationship where you will supposedly find love, buy a house in , and live happily ever after.
With a few tricks provided by up your sleeve, first dates will never feel like you are to delivering a speech to the whole world. Here are 10 How to cope with a first date:
1 Location
Make sure
that the place you choose for your first date with a partner is safe and comfortable for you. And if it happens that you do not get to decide the location, then it would be nice of you to check out the place when you are free (and before the date of course).
People get to be uncomfortable in places they are visiting for the first time and also, you get to be aware of the price of goods and services in that place. Just so they don’t take you unaware.
For the adventurous one’s out there, a new place would be your best pick. As going to a place you are already used to might your first date boring.
2 Dress
Dress properly for the first date. Go with , clothes and shoes. Light perfume or deodorant will add a special touch in your .
As a rule, it is better to overdress for a date than for you to be under-dressed. Another thing that would be nice is if you are dressed to suit the occasion. You do not want to agbada to a bar or jeans and t-shirts to a traditional wedding.
3 Timing
Be on time at your first date. This will definitely express your respect towards your date’s time. If you are late unnecessarily it will create a negative impact on the mind of your partner. It shows that you do not have respect or regard for your date.
And if you happen to be late, be sure you apologize to your date. If your date is on a , make sure you are time conscious.
4 No lies
It doesn’t matter whether they are actual lies or they are implied lies. Do not tell lies. It does not make more attractive. Do not tell lies to get into her pants; do not tell lies to make you sound good. You would have to live up to that lie. Yes, especially the one where you said you are a millionaire.
No matter your reason for telling the lie, the truth will eventually come out and that time and even truths will seem like lies. And you will be rejected, and no one will date you anymore and you will cry and you will die lonely and you will burn in hell, in the hottest part of hell. Ignore the last sentence.
5 Money
Ladies do not expect that your male partner should be the only one to pay for the date. The world has changed and girls can also be expected to pay her share. Ladies, even if you are not going to pay, at least offer to pay.
And guys do not allow her to pay, except of course you do not have enough cash on you. Just do not go out of your budget to please her. So you do not have to wash plates and mop floor at the restaurant for a month after the date.
6. Do Not Controversial Issues
Your first date is not a good time to discus who is in support of abortion and who isn’t. Which man of God real, and which is not real. Your first date is also not a good time to discuss the best Nigerian premier league club. Just discuss trivial issues, or better still ask question about each other.
The rule is to avoid the heavy conversation topics and avoid using strong opinions. It is kind of obvious, but in case you forget. Do not talk about your previous lovers on your first date.
7. Watch Out For Red Flags
Most people make the first date an elaborate drama, where they get to be what they are not. As a rule, if your partner is nice to you and rude to the waiter, then your partner is rude. Is your partner rude? Dirty? Obnoxious? Selfish? Complete the list with every trait you do not want in a relationship or in a lover
If you look hard enough you will see some of these traits that would save you the trouble of entering a relationship with the wrong person. Just make sure you do not overanalyze every gesture or statement your partner makes.
8. Be Confident
It’s kind of funny when you are feeling nervous and insecure on your first date. This is because your date is also nervous and insecure. You are both over conscious of yourselves and at the end you both end up ruining the date for each other.
If you become nervous on a first date, it is recommended to smile in general, commenting on other things you and you will very soon feel relaxed and approachable.
9.Try to enjoy
Don’t be uptight or so serious on your first date. The most important thing about a date is that you are getting to know each other, after that its fun all the way. Without fun, a date might as well become a job interview. And job interviews are no fun.
Try to have fun together on the first date. This will make both of you comfortable with each other.
Do not dominate your partner on the first date; you do not have any obligation to each other. This might break up the relation. Always remember dignity and respect is also important. Smoking and excessive drinking is a huge no-no on a first date.
And guys, because you spent a huge amount on her does not mean she has to sleep with you.
In general just relax, have fun and enjoy your first date. Remember you are just hanging out with another human being, not a god.
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