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Girl, 9, slams McDonald’s CEO for tricking little kids into eating unhealthy foods

Hannah Robertson and her mother Kia
Hannah Robertson and her mother Kia
A slammed the McDonald’s CEO for little into during a shareholder meeting in Illinois.
Don Thompson, was placed on a grill by a 9-year-old, after she accused the fast food giant of trying to “deceive the children to eat food that is not good for them.”
Hannah Robertson, 9, with her mother, flew in from Kelowna, British Columbia, to attend the
annual McDonald’s shareholders meeting in Oak Brook, Illinois.
“Something I do not think is fair is that large companies are trying to lure children into eating food that is not good for them using toys and cartoon characters,” Robertson said during the question and answers part of the meeting. “If parents have not taught their children about healthy eating, then children probably believe that junk food is good for them, because it tastes good,” she added.
Her mother, Kia, attended the meeting as a member of the advocacy group Corporate Accountability International, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts with offices worldwide. Kia Robertson, 36, began “Today I ate a Rainbow” in 2009, described as a “nutritional interactive game” and is a nutrition blogger.
“It would be nice if you stopped trying to lure children to want to eat your food all the time,” Robertson, who is in the fourth grade, went on to say. “I do cooking videos with my mother showing children that eating healthy can be fun and delicious. We teach that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables makes children healthy, smart and happy, because that’s the truth,” she added.
“This girl and her mother clearly have an agenda. Parents are the ones to blame when their children eat junk food. That is what parenting is all about. Parents and schools must teach their children to eat health, not corporations. McDonald’s is in no way responsible to get your child to eat healthy. Also, McDonald’s sells a full line of healthy meals on their menu,” Ruby Jordan, 35, of Chicago, Illinois told after being asked to comment on Robertson’s criticism of McDonald’s.
The child’s claims however, is simply not true. As the CEO pointed out, McDonald’s sells millions of dollars in fruits and vegetable meals each year.
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